Commission Forms

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Art Type
I, the artist, will not do NSFW, rated R and/or X work. I also have the right to refuse the commission if it makes me uncomfortable. There is a upfront fee of 50% of the full cost to pay for materials and time. This is non refundable. During the creation of the piece the commissioner may contact me 3 times to check on how things are going and if any changes are needed to the piece. I retain the copyright to all art works commissioned by the commissioner that were created by me, including all reproduction rights and the right to claim statutory copyright. No artwork may be reproduced or altered without the written consent of the artist. In the event that the commissioner does not wish to purchase the commissioned artwork, the commissioner may refuse. In that case, I will retain the refused artwork and the non-refundable deposit. This is free of any claims or interests of the commissioner and the commissioner will not owe any additional fees to me the artist. I the commissioner, agree to all the terms of agreement,